Interview with the founders on their second appearance on the show Dans l’œil du dragon

What are you most proud of from your first time on the show?
"To see that we have been able to change people's lives. Customization, at its core, allows us to meet all skin needs, even the most complex ones, for which there were no solutions on the market. When we see people who have had a lot of difficulties in their lives and who have decided to dare to customize and turn to us, to see that they have found a product that suits them and that they take the time to write to us, it touches us enormously. Customization also allows us to offer a certain confidence. The phrase "you changed my skin, thank you" is our raison d'être and we are really proud of it.
Also, to see that after being on the show and because of the growth of the company, we can afford to raise money to get involved in different organizations so that we can finally give back to the community (YWCA, Egale, Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation, Les Koalas). "
- Rachelle Séguin
What are the major changes since going on the show?
"Since going to the show in 2019, the company has grown tremendously, from 8 to 23 employees. We now have several separate departments, including production, operations and logistics, research and development, marketing, sales, administration and IT. Also, 18 new products have been developed and brought to market. "
-Andrea Gomez
Do you have any new projects?
"We will be moving soon. We are building a laboratory. Also, we will have new products soon. "
- Andrea Gomez
Tell us a funny anecdote from the In the Eye of the Dragon shoot.
"During the shooting, before reaching the presentation platform, the participants have to go down stairs with small holes. We were so stressed that our stilettos got stuck. In the end, everything went well. "
-Andrea Gomez
"We came to the shoot prepared. Nicolas Duvernois asked us if we were coming to give the Dragons a "pitch" lesson. He mentioned that we always had a good answer to questions. We were pleasantly surprised, and very happy with our performance. Since then, several professors at Laval University present our presentation to students in different entrepreneurship courses. "
-Rachelle Séguin