Skin Inflamation

You've probably already had red cheekbones after eating spicy, having been exposed to the sun or after drinking a glass of wine. These so-called redness can be transient for some people and permanent for others. Many people have apparent skin inflammation, mainly in the central area of the face, the cheeks and nose. The majority do not even know what type of inflammation is, what causes it and what to do to reduce it and slow its progression. At the same time, it generally results in sensitivity and fragility of the epidermis, which is why it is important to listen to your skin.
First, be aware that there are different stages of this skin condition, all are different and not everyone will go to the last stage of course. It depends on our lifestyle, our habits, our environment, our health and even our genes. The use of chemical and irritant cosmetics can promote inflammation of the skin, as well as stress, abuse of the sun, alcohol or caffeine. It’s important to be aware of it, to be informed and to know what to do or not to do to control it. From the mildest to the most severe form, we find erythema, erythrosis, type 1 and type 2 rosacea. I’m sharing a brief definition of each of these stages to help you target the one that best represents your current condition.
Erythema is a temporary, congestive redness of the skin that fades when pressed. This redness is diffuse and transient which is due to the excessive repetition of vasodilation to vasoconstriction. The causes are mainly endogenous and exogenous, that is to say for example due to emotions, a digestive disorder, drugs, irritants, spices, alcohol, intense physical exercise or Sun.
Erythritis is defined among other things by a diffuse and permanent redness. The main cause is due to a significant slowing of the skin microcirculation, the causes are rather external. It is a temporary dilation of the facial vessels which will cause permanent redness when the vessels have lost their elasticity. The causes are similar to erythema and particularly affect thin skin.
Type 1 Rosacea is the logical consequence of erythritis if the condition is not taken care of, it is a diffuse redness which results from a temporary dilation of the blood vessels of the face. Type 1 rosacea is permanent redness accompanied by telangiectasia. Telangiectasia is the formation of small blood vessels caused by permanent dilation of the micro vessels of the dermis. The main causes of telangiectasia are congenital and hormonal, this appearance is the clinical sign of type 1 rosacea. These can be treated by electrocoagulation, ask your esthetician for advice. Photo-rejuvenation is also an adequate treatment for vascular disorders such as rosacea, it is offered in several aesthetic clinics.
Type 2 Rosacea is the logical consequence of Type 1 rosacea if the condition is not taken care of, it is the complication of an existing condition of Type 1 rosacea. This course is characterized by persistent and intermittent redness, telangiectasia, a burning sensation and sometimes breakouts of papules and pustules may appear at this stage, then we are speaking of acne rosacea. It is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects more than 3 million Canadians and can only be diagnosed by a dermatologist. Be aware that there are four forms of rosacea, your doctor will tell you more. Several internal and external causes can lead to rosacea whose inheritance and generally women are more affected than men. At this stage, lifestyle is very important and several treatments are possible such as topical creams prescribed by a doctor or medical lasers.
Skin inflammation is a condition that is degenerative and progressive, which is why it is good to take care of it as soon as possible. Remember that it is an excessive repetition of vasodilation to vasoconstriction which leads to permanent dilation of the blood capillaries so you have to be careful.
Here are some essential prevention tips:
- Avoid stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine;
- avoid overly spicy dishes;
- avoid eating too quickly, take the time to chew well;
- avoid tobacco;
- avoid too great contrasts of hot-cold;
- protect yourself well from the cold;
- protect yourself well from the sun;
- protect your skin well (basic moisturizer);
- always use UVA and UVB sun protection, summer and winter;
- avoid too much heat, shower, bath, sauna;
- check the ingredients of your cosmetic products, avoid irritants and allergens;
- favour gentle and as much natural as possible cosmetic products;
- and finally avoid stress, promote moments for unwinding and relaxation.
Some ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics:
- Soap
- Sulfate
- Edta
- Mineral oil
- Paraben
- Perfume and fragrance
- Phthalates
- BHA and BHT
- DEA, MEA and TEA
- Silicone
- Triclosan
- Phenoxyethanol
At Omy Laboratoires, we care about the health of your skin and that is why we do not use any of these ingredients. Our products are mild, non-irritating, and we use several anti-inflammatory ingredients such as vitamin B3, date-seed dormin and Tasmanian pepper which calms and reduces redness.
All of our products are also based on aquifer water, Canadian mineral water that instantly soothes and hydrates the skin. We can help you maintain the health of your skin and control your skin inflammation by using suitable cosmetic products.
What to choose at Omy for redness and sensitive skin?: aquifer water, mineral micellar water, the active ingredients RO, IN, HY as well as our vitamin B3 serum.
Here is an example of a very satisfied client with severe skin inflammation, acne rosacea. She used the custom serum as well as the custom day and night cream. Its formula is AC + IN + RO, the photo was taken 28 days after the start of the use of our products. The texture of the creams is adapted according to the level of hydration and nutrition of the skin.