Men's skin: how is it different from women's skin?

La peau des hommes: en quoi est-elle différente de celle des femmes?

The popular belief that a man's skin does not require as much attention as a woman's is still very present in our society. The cosmetics industry is no exception: men's products contain more allergens, higher concentrations of fragrance, ultra-stripping cleansers and product choices that often boil down to aftershave, moisturizing or anti-aging. Find out here what makes men's skin different from women's!


Although men's skin is generally 20% thicker than women's, it can be more sensitive to its environment. Moreover, shaving for men subjects the skin to more irritation and therefore increases the skin's sensitivity and reactivity. It is therefore important to select products that are suitable for sensitive and hypoallergenic skin. It is also recommended to favor soothing ingredients in their products to control redness and sensitivity. In particular, although men are generally less affected than women by rosacea (rosacea or redness), they are more likely to express severe forms of the disease such as rhinophyma.


On average, men have twice as many sebaceous glands as women, which tends to make their skin more oily. The production of sebum is also accentuated by the presence of testosterone, which is up to 10 times more important in men. In addition, the pH of the skin is also more acidic than that of women, which favors the development of acne. It is therefore recommended to use products with a physiological pH. In addition, men will have more ingrown hairs on their face, due to the presence of beards. The use of a skin scrub exfoliator once a week is recommended. An exfoliant with AHAs will help reduce ingrown hairs.

Skin aging

The signs of aging appear differently in men; they occur later and the breakdown of collagen and elastin is constant. Men have more pigment spots (melasma) and are also more affected by skin cancer than women. Awareness of sunscreen for men is therefore very important. Since many men neglect their skin on a daily basis, they tend to deny the early symptoms of diseases, which leads them to develop more severe forms of skin diseases than women.

It is high time that the cosmetic industry changes the way it treats men's skin. Omy Laboratories is part of the change by specializing in customized skincare and offering products that are adapted to each skin, respecting all its unique needs. Because every skin is different, the skin of the men around us deserves to be treated that way.

Customized creams and Omy serum allow each man to add ingredients that are truly tailored to his skin. Thanks to the soothing extract of tazmania berry (In), Omy creams and serum are excellent aftershaves and help prevent sensitivity. In addition to this ingredient, it will be possible to add anti-aging, anti-redness, anti-acne, anti-spot, moisturizing or matifying actions to the product


  • Richard Giard
    Je serai intéresser par vos produits concernant le contrôle de l’acné car j’ai une peau sensible.

    J’ai utilisé votre crème je suis satisfait mais cette fois si vos produits pour peau sensible serait mon choix.

  • Mario Roy
    Bravo pour ce texte, il est facile à comprendre et il nous porte à réfléchir sérieusement sur la peau de notre visage. J’aime et je passe à l’action !